Frequently Asked Questions
Can't find the answers you're looking for? We've shared some of our most frequently asked questions to help you out.
What's included in a consultation?
An initial consultation will take approximately 45 minutes (a little longer than the time taken for a general consultation). Your podiatrist may need to conduct a thorough taking of your child’s medical history as well as gaining all the information about the presenting complaint. In some cases, the consultation may involve reviewing of any previous diagnostic tests such as x-rays or MRIs. Your podiatrist may also wish to review your child’s footwear and any additional correspondence from medical practitioners.
Dependent on the presentation, the initial consultation may include preliminary treatment modalities such as in-shoe padding, strapping, nail care, education etc. Some children may be required to return for additional treatment or a Biomechanical Assessment. On occasion, patients may also be referred for imaging (x-ray or MRI) or for the purchase of prescribed footwear prior to returning for follow-up appointments.
It's a priority of ours at LBF to have the child relaxed and engaged in the consultation. Developing a good rapport with the child/adolescent aides in improving compliance and treatment outcomes. Much of our assessment is functional and undertaken through observation during play and activity in our clinic, where your child feels safe and comfortable.
Whilst appointment times are pre-allocated, we do offer longer consultation upon request. If you are travelling from outside of the metropolitan area (country/interstate etc) or if your child has additional needs that may require a longer consultation, please inform our reception staff upon booking.
What should I bring to my consultation?
It is best to bring anything with you that you believe relates to your child’s presenting issue, as it will considerably assist your podiatrist in providing you with the most accurate diagnosis and treatment. You should bring any diagnostic test results (x-ray, MRI, blood test results etc), which may relate to their complaint. We also suggest bringing your child’s two most frequently worn pairs of shoes (commonly their school shoes, and a sports sneaker), as the wear pattern of these may provide your podiatrist with a lot of information. If you are unsure, bring it just in case!
What is a biomechanical assessment?
Following an initial consultation, your podiatrist may suggest that your child undertake a biomechanical consultation (gait assessment) for further diagnostics. This consultation is an extensive physical examination of the child’s lower limbs and how they function throughout gait (whilst they are walking). The consultation may also include footwear modifications, moulding for orthotics, and stretching and strengthening exercises of the lower limb, if necessary.
Biomechanical assessments are typically required if your child is transitioning into orthotics. The measurements and findings from this assessment form part of the orthoses prescription.
At LBF, patient education is our priority, so we will always ensure that you and your child are well equipped with all the information and education that you require in order to get the most out of your consultation.
My child has special needs. Can you accommodate them?
Certainly. We see a lot of children with special needs, ranging from allergies, sensory sensitivities and anxiety, through to physical and cognitive impairments. If you have specific concerns about your child and their needs, please call us to discuss these prior to their consultation.
How long will a consultation take?
We allow 45-50 mins for an initial consultation. This is the most comprehensive consultation as is includes a routine medical history taking in addition to obtaining the history of the complaint and then the undertaking of the assessment itself. There can be a lot of information which the podiatrist will discuss at this consultation so feel free to bring along a support person or even take notes to help you digest things!
Generally speaking, most follow up consultations (standard consultations) are 30 minutes. If it has been some time since your child’s last visit, we may need an extended consultation to revisit/reassess some of the changes that have taken place.
Whilst appointment times are pre-allocated, we do offer longer consultation upon request. If you are travelling from outside of the metropolitan area (country/interstate etc) or if your child has additional needs that may require a longer consultation, please inform our reception staff upon booking.
Do I need a referral?
No, you will not need a referral. Going to the Podiatrist is just like going to the dentist. You will only need a referral if you wish to have your costs covered by Workcover or Medicare (Enhanced Primary Care Program).
We just want shoes. Do I need an appointment?
No. If you just want to pop into LBF for shoes, you are welcome any time during our opening hours. Appointments are only required if you wish for your child to have an assessment with a podiatrist. If you have any questions or concerns as to your child’s gait, development, foot posture, limb position etc, then we certainly suggest you make an appointment with one of our podiatrists.
Health Funds & Costs
Will my health fund pay on podiatry?
All major Australian health funds cover podiatry services provided that you have this included in your child’s cover. Our clinic has HICAPS available for on the spot claiming, so you’ll only need to pay your out of pocket (gap) at the time of the consultation.
We recommend you contact your health fund to review your child’s eligibility for rebate on podiatry services prior to your consultation.
How much does it cost?
Costs will vary dependent on the type of consultation and treatment that your child receives. Please contact one of our friendly receptionists for a personalised quotation.
If you are covered by a private health fund, our receptionists can provide you with your individual service item numbers so that your health fund can advise you of your rebates in order to determine any out of pocket expenses.
Does Medicare cover us?
Medicare will cover some, but not all patients for podiatric services. As a part of the Enhanced Primary Care (EPC) Program, Medicare will only provide podiatry cover to select patients with long standing chronic conditions such as diabetes, cardio-vascular disease, chronic arthritis and a handful of other diseases that will significantly affect one's feet and lower limbs and thus their ability to care for them. If you think your child qualifies for an EPC plan, please speak to your GP to discuss their eligibility.
What is your cancellation policy?
When appointments are booked, the appointment time is reserved especially for your child. We require a minimum of 48 hours notice to reschedule or cancel an appointment without incurring a fee. This allows us to allocate your booking time to another child who may be on a waiting list. You may email or call anytime, even after hours, and leave us a message should you need to cancel or reschedule. We will call you back at our soonest convenience.
We understand that unexpected illnesses and emergencies can happen. In this instance please call us as soon as possible to explain your situation.
Our Podiatrists
Are your podiatrists experienced?
Yes. All of our podiatrists are experienced professionals with recognised tertiary training, having completed a 4-year bachelor degree in Podiatry at a recognised Australian University at a minimum.
Principal Podiatrist Jason McLellan is QLD's first and only Certified Paediatric Podiatrist (awarded by the Australasian Podiatry Council). He works closely with our team of podiatrists to ensure the best possible outcomes for patients.
At Little Big Feet, we strongly encourage on-going education and each of our podiatrists is a member of the Australian Podiatry Association (QLD) and are either accredited or in the process of becoming Accredited Podiatrists. Each podiatrist is a registered service provider in the state of QLD.
I've been to another podiatrist. Can I bring my child for a second opinion?
Yes, you sure can. Parents and carers often bring in their children for an opinion. Being QLD’s only exclusively paediatric and adolescent podiatry clinic, we often receive referrals from other podiatrists wanting to refer on more difficult and complex presentations.
Does my child need orthotics?
Orthotics will only be prescribed if deemed necessary by your podiatrist following a thorough initial consultation. Put simply, orthotics are in-shoe devices used for the treatment of certain foot, leg and biomechanical abnormalities. Most commonly, they are used to alter the alignment of the lower limb(s) to change the way in which the limbs function, which may in turn reduce or eliminate the presenting symptomology.
How much will orthotics cost?
We have a range of orthotic options available to meet a range of budgetary needs. Our semi-customised orthoses are around $350 for the set, and our fully customised devices are from $520. Your podiatrist will discuss the treatment options and prices available to you depending on your child's presentation.
Are there more cost-effective alternatives to orthotics?
Absolutely. Because children grow so quickly many parents are concerned about the costs of orthotic therapy. We offer a range of cost-effective alternatives, such as in-shoe modifications and tri-plane wedging; both of which are designed to last the life of the shoe and pricing starts from $55 per foot. Be sure to ask your podiatrist about the different treatment options available to your child.
What other treatments do you offer?
At LBF we offer a range of treatments options. A list of these can be found on our treatment options page. The type of treatment we recommend will depend on several factors such as the child’s age, the severity of their presentation, the symptomology, compliance and more.
My child is with NDIS. Can they visit LBF?
Yes, they can. We do suggest that all NDIS patients call us prior to booking. Often times NDIS patients may require longer consultations, especially if there is a lengthy or more complicated medical history/presentation. We accept self-funded and plan-managed NDIS bookings. If you are plan managed, please speak to our reception team prior to booking to ensure that your plan management team is one that we work with.