Delayed Gross Motor

Delayed gross motor development in Paediatric Podiatry
Delayed Coordination Disorder (DCD) is the primary disorder relating to delayed gross motor development that is seen by Paediatric Podiatrists at LBF. It is common for DCD to be seen in conjunction with behavioural concerns such as autism and generalised anxiety.
Children with gross motor delays are typically experience plateaus in their skillset or are not consistent with their milestone progression, and may also experience fine motor difficulty such as difficulty in working velcro straps or shoe laces. Whilst in some children a diagnosis may have already been made, Paediatric Podiatrists can assist in the diagnosis and the correct referral pathway for diagnosis.

It is common for a child or adolescent to be referred to a Paediatric Podiatrist by their physiotherapist or paediatrician, who is wanting the Podiatrist to assist with the progression of a child’s milestones.
Podiatric treatment for children with delayed gross motor development is mostly assistive throughout major milestone phases. For example, assistance with crawling, rising to stance, cruising and walking. Such treatment is typically by way of mechanical therapy such as in-shoe wedging, orthotic therapy and exercises.

Disorders commonly associated with delayed gross motor presentation
- Global hypotonia
- Hypermobility & connective tissue disorders
- Behavioural Conditions (ASD, ADHD, GAD)
- Intellectual Impairment
- Congenital conditions
- And more